Saturday, March 28, 2020

calendar entry — classic concerts at Brody Castle

In the Second Life there are some dance & music events I like to join in. A few of them I am putting into my calendar and introduce to you. They meet regularly. Music and atmosphere are teasing. I meet nice people there, even new friends. — Take a try!

Teleport to Brody Castle
Visitor Group Scotland in SL
owned, managed, created by Magnus Brody

At Brody Castle in Scotland, some ambitious people perform wonderful classical music on Sunday. People are really gentle here. I even have met nice friends. Some of them play in the orchestra.

These events are immersive, indeed. The closer I sit to the orchestra, the farer I slip away, dreaming.

Teleport to Brody Castle


  1. The virtual vorld now is the only safe place on the planet :)

    1. I agree with you, Mike!

      To see the empty streets in the city and to hear the latest news about the "2019-20 coronavirus pandemic" is not pleasant. The restrictive regulations are unfortunately necessary to protect our health. And they will be needed for quite a while!

      How should people deal with this situation? How are they supposed to endure this?

      I myself am glad that I can meet nice people in Second Life and enjoy my distraction. And my calendar entries may be a suggestion.

      Please stay healthy, Mike! All others of you, too!

    2. Thank you Flora! And hmm looks like the harm from the quarantine is even wors than from the virus itself :(

    3. Dear Mike,

      I can't agree with you on that. The more we avoid personal contact, the more we prevent this enemy from gaining ground. That's what medical experts have been saying all along. Now it turns out they're right. The enemy would rejoice if we met without fear, shook hands, breathed the same air. We must give hospitals and doctors time to prepare themselves and develop an antidote. We must stick together by keeping our distance.

      I'll hug you from a distance!

    4. Soon we will see. And let us hope for the best! Hugs!
