Thursday, July 29, 2021

Covid 19 Vaccination — the real help

Now I abuse Second Life for real help. — Even more, I ask you for support!

I simply fed my internet browser with keywords like "Covid 19" and "vaccination". Then I looked at several images and copied one of them to my hard drive. Using some software, I tagged it with the text you can read here. I uploaded the edited image to my Second Life inventory and pasted it on a poster board.I didn't care about possible copyrights in this case.

I put up the finished billboard at the entrance of my cinema garden BIRDLIGHTS, right next to Zen Swords-Galway's famous train THE ZANY ZEN RAILWAY. Zen herself agrees with this. And I know she has personal reasons for that.

Now get your own shots if you somehow can! (In Germany, the conditions are very favorable at the moment.) After that, you can take the train and go to the movies.

Please, stay healthy everyone!
And if you are not, just become so again!