Thursday, August 15, 2019

Lady Báthory — my Mistress and Mentor

Do you already know Her, the Mistress on wheels? Here She is!

In February 2017, I met Lady Báthory in a chapel. Oh, I remember well! This Lady, She came in, She took place at my side, She began to talk with me. But it was a bit tight in the chapel, I did not recognize her wheelchair correctly. To be honest, I was a bit prickly and answered to Her “Madame, why are you sitting on a drum here?” When I realized my mistake, I was ashamed, and She was amused.

So it did not take long until Lady Báthory got my trust. She adopted me into Her Family at Her manor Čachtice.

This photo taken by Lady Báthory

This way, I also met Alexa, the Mistress' wife and jewel. Also I met Amayuma, Alexa's sister and our Mistress' pretty kitty. Also Hiss, Amayuma's Master and our Mistress' good friend. About Amayuma and Master Hiss, I will tell you more!

This photo taken by Lady Báthory

This Family, no sheet of paper would fit vertically between us. Together we have done a lot. They commonly taught and helped me on my path of submission. The moment when our Mistress put the collar on me was so romantic, I will never forget!

Lady Báthory was - and still is - a responsible and sensitive Mistress. And yes, She is a descendant of the Blood Countess! Many value and respect Her. Through Her I got to know other Dominant and submissive friends in the Second Life. And some told me, that they met the Lady in a way as funny as mine.

Much has happened in the meantime. She keeps Her place of honor in my heart and in my garden. I’m happy because She’s fine. And I'm happy when She comes to visit.

Thank you for all, Mistress!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Vordun — here I enjoy culture

Some time ago a dear friend recommended me The Vordun — Museum and Gallery. This ambitious museum has moved recently. And they have expanded again.

On their website The Vordun — Museum and Gallery I can read that they strive to bring art, history, culture to people all over the world. Specially they think of people who have not access to any real museum. This idea of serving the common good pulls my attention!

So I teleport to The Vordun — Museum and GalleryJust arrived, I activate my membership in the group The Vordun Museum and Gallery, which does not cause costs. In the Entrance area there is a floorplan for orientation. Wall boards also tell me those who support this institution. I can even donate, of course, and I do.

The atmosphere is set friendly and invites to visit this with friends, even to meet other people here. When I have visited this the first time, there has been a little technical issue. I have reported it friendly to the owner Jake Vordun, and this time the issue is gone. They take care. Thank you much!

Nothing is intrusive here. There are no hovering letters which ask to click this and that. But stepping through the doors, I receive HUDs for myself. These help me to study the exhibits in detail.

Here I am looking at the peinture Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist, oil on canvas by Guido Reini, Italian, about 1600. The HUD is telling me details in the LocalChat. I also could hear that via my loudspeakers.

 A specialty is The Blue Cloak, painted by Peter Bruegel the Elder in 1559. It is not inscribed. But it encourages to guess more than a hundred Dutch Proverbs. Via HUD my viewer jumps step by step to the details, and the special Proverb is explained in the LocalChat. Exciting!

The exhibition Musica Antiqua combines ancient music instruments with peintures. Via HUD I get a vocal sample of the music instrument, and I read in LocalCchat about its history and working, also about the meaning of the peinture. Here I am looking at and hearing to the organ and to the clavichord.

The exhibition Ukiyo-e — Pictures of the Floating World showcases colourful woodblock prints and paintings from the Japanese Edo-period, 17th to 19th century. Myself, I am instantly listening to a vocal sample of the shamisen.

Also the exhibition Sincerely Yours is exciting me. Postcards are showcased from the current project In the real life you can send and receive postcards worldwide and randomly. I maybe join!

This museum follows an exciting concept. The visitor shall be seduced to get involved in the experience. With success, concerning myself!

There is also a nice bistro. Today, I can not continue anymore, I am sorry. There still remain some exhibitions for the next time. In the gift shop I buy a postcard. I address and send it to a girlfriend. Maybe, she will join!